Thursday, September 9, 2010

BP-BPA 2010-2011 Schedule

Here you go!  These are the dates for our new year.  They're subject to change, of course.

September 16, 2010 Meeting
September 30, 2010 Meeting – Officer Speeches, Election and Dues
October (TBA) Fall Leadership Conference
October 21, 2010 Meeting
November 18, 2010 Meeting
November 19, 2010 Talent Show at 6:30 p.m.

December 8, 2010 Meeting
January 12, 2011 Meeting

February 11, 2011 Meeting – Payment due for states
March 10, 2011 Meeting
March 12, 13, 14, 2011 State Leadership Conference
April 8, 2011 Parent meeting for those attending nationals. Payment for nationals is due at this time.
May 3 – 8, 2011 National Leadership Conference – Washington, DC

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A copy of my email sent out today!

Please check your email for the attachments!

Hello members! Tomorrow is our first major deadline. All of you who have presubmissions need to email me your files no later than 2:00 p.m. tomorrow. (Friday, February 5). Please pay attention to whether or not your event has a documentation form. I'm attaching a Word file with all of the documentation forms for all the events needing one. You should scroll through to see if your event has one, copy the text, and paste into a new file. Then fill it out and email it back to me. Don't worry about my signature - no worries. Points will be deducted if YOU do not do this.
Also - interview skill people - there is an application that needs to be filled out on the computer as well. I'm attaching that to this email too. Please fill it out (on the computer) and email it back to me with your resumes and cover letters. I will then forward your email to the appropriate person at states.
I will be staying after school today - please do not all rush down here last minute to take care of everything. I will be leaving at 2:30 on Friday.

On another note - I'm also attaching the corrected letter for your parents. The original letter mentioned that we were going to Dallas, but I just forgot to change last year's info to this year's! Whoops! The date of states is March 6, 7 and 8. My original communication to you, back in September, had the wrong date, but was corrected immediately and discussed at all our meetings, was on all of our agendas, etc.

Your money for states is due by Tuesday. Please be mindful of how much you owe. It's either $175 or $215. If you didn't do community service, it's $215. That's the next attachment - I have a list of students who have not satisfied the community service requirement. So if there's a question, consult that file.
As I mentioned I'll be staying after school today. If you don't need me, then just email me your files!

Oh - and don't forget the contests! If you've written a social media essay, designed a pin or a cover, you can win scholarship money for nationals! That's all due tomorrow as well. Click this link for more info on those.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 20 Meeting

At our meeting on January 20 we talked about the following topics.  This blog post is in case people need clarification or if you were one of the 13 who missed the meeting.

We talked about the success of our last social gathering.  It was a lot of fun.  Allison is going to put together a bowling trip for February vacation.

We handed out certificates to the new members who were unable to make it to the initiation evening.  All members were given their membership cards and pins.

The Disney Give a Day, Get a Day Habitat for Humanity project that 8 people have signed up to do with Mrs. Sylvia should be a blast.  Please note that this event may not happen in time to get your free Disney ticket.  If you would like to go to the website and register for a different event which could happen sooner, please feel free to do so. 

Regarding States -  The special event will be a hypnotist.  We talked about how the money for states is due by February 5.  The cost is $175.  Checks can be made payable to BP-BPA. Dress code - professional!  Your $175 for states pays for your food, registration to the conference and hotel.  But please know that Saturday is the one day that we do not provide lunch. We will meet at the school early Saturday morning, drive to the hotel (we will already be in our professional attire) and some will start competition immediately.  Pack a lunch, bring snacks.  Dinner this evening may be late too - so just be prepared. Do not order room service and think it's covered by BPA.  Any meals that you get on your own are paid for on your own.     I talked about Torch Awards.  I've talked a lot about them - it's up to you know - we're well into out bpa season!  I handed out a state merit scholar fact sheet.  They are the answers for one of the open exams that you can take at states. 

The next meeting is February 25.  Judged events to me by February 5.  States March 6, 7 and 8.  Nationals May 4 - 9.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Member Reception

Ahhh...finally home in my comfy chair and I feel like updating the blog for the second time today. Just got home from the first ever BP-BPA New Member Reception. What a nice ceremony that was! I would like to thank our students who stepped in to help us out; Grace, Jenna, Royce and Austin. Also a big thanks to the officers who worked hard to make this evening a nice one to welcome our newest members.
A big apology to Nicole R.! I'm so sorry I left your name off the program!! It was totally my fault. Although Cameron made the program, I gave him the list of names, and I just missed yours. A million apologies!

It was terrific to have a National Officer present! Thanks to Kevin Benjamin for coming to our ceremony at our humble Bristol-Plymouth! I don't want to ever forget what an honor it is to have a national officer at one of our events, just because we know him so well. For those of you new members who may not know, Kevin graduated from Bristol Plymouth in 2008. He joined BPA as a sophomore, just like you! He had no idea what he was in store for! Kevin was a rock-star type of kid with unruly red hair. He wore AC/DC t-shirts every day and his biggest passion was baseball! Although he continued with baseball throughout his years at BP, he also LOVED BPA. When he announced to me in his Senior year that he would like to run for national officer, I jumped on board. He exhibited all of the qualities! He was personable, well liked by other students, serious and dedicated to BPA, and was a quick study! To see Kevin's announcement to vice president at the national conference click here. Anyway, when he shows up at one of our events, it's really cool. Thanks Kev!

To the new members - my best advice to you is to really listen to what Mrs. Powers and I have to tell you! Your first year is full of questions and it can be very confusing! Since we've done it a million times, we really know what works best for you! Think of us as your coaches! Ask other students who have been there before you and try your best. I hope to be able to take you all to Anaheim, California in May!

It was so nice meeting many of the parents tonight.  If I didn't get a chance to talk to you, I hope that we get to know each other over the year.  Please, send me an email at, if you wish to be added to my distribution list.  I send numerous emails to the students reminding them of upcoming events and deadlines.

Mrs. Powers, thank you for all of your help!  I love you!
Here is a picture of our Torch participants.  Click on the picture for it's full size. :)  Yay for not burning down the school!   I'll put the rest of the pics on our facebook - over at bp bpa chapter.

BPA Happenings - December

Hi everyone! Some of you missed the meeting yesterday. Just to keep you informed, our next meetings have been scheduled for January 20, February 9 (You will need to pay for states at this meeting; $175.00), and March 9. Please mark your calendar and keep in mind that preferential treatment is always given to those who are active, involved members. I do understand that we are all busy and have other extracurricular activities, but too many absences will negatively affect you.

I'm very excited for the upcoming new member initiation! This is the first time we have ever had such an event! Your officer team has come up with so many great ideas AND they're acting on them!

If you haven't already signed up for your events, you must do so immediately. Preferential treatment for events is given to those who signed up on time. For instance, I can only send 4 or 5 people to participate in Desktop Publishing. Those who signed up by the deadline will get a higher score during the in-house competition.

Our treasury is in excellent shape with over $8,000!

Soon I'll be posting pictures of our new member initiation, so be on the lookout!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's official!

I'm so excited to get things underway. Now that we have our new officers in their positions, we can do just that! If you see any of our officers out and about, take a second to congratulate them. They had to undergo a grueling interview and they all had some pretty great ideas! We'll see you all at our next meeting on November 18!

Your officers are:

President - Timmy
Vice President - Audri
Secretary - Brendan
Treasurer - Cameron
Historian - Allison


Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Officers!

I'd like to formally congratulate our new officer team! Tim, Allison, Audri, Cameron and Brendan were the top vote-getters. The race between all of the candidates was very close!

The new officers have their work cut out for them - in the near future and in the long run. They will be interviewing on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and then will find out on Thursday which positions they will serve. They will then be asked to come up with some goals for our chapter to work towards this year. If anyone has any suggestions, please post them here. I have a few of my own ideas, and I bet the officers have some ideas too!!

If anyone has any good questions for me to ask the officer candidates, post them here as well. I'd love to take questions from our members! Take a moment to congratulate our new leadership and also thank everyone who ran. Don't forget to friend request us over on Facebook - bpbpa!